SPAIN – (€ 6150 divided into 11 concerts. Subsistence and accommodation expenses covered by the organization)
Petrer € 1,200 Concert. Teacher and Jury in Youth Category.
Mediterranean Guitar Festival, €1,200 for 3 concerts
Madrid € 750 (Spanish Guitar Society). (€600 + €150 for travel)
Elche € 600 (AGMA Open Music Guitarists Association)
Alicante € 600 (Professional Music Conservatory Guitarist JOSÉ TOMÁS)
Montanejos € 600 (MDM Fest – International Plucked String Festival).
La Vall D’Iuxó € 600  (Estanislao Marco Guitar Festival)
Villa Navas de San Juan € 600 (International Classical Music Festival)

FINLAND – € 1000 (Award includes a € 800 fee + max. € 200 for transportation + accommodation)
Tampere Guitar Festival 

BRAZIL – (Travel, meals and accommodation covered by the organization)
– Maceio – UFAL Universidade Federal de Alagoas (organized by: Milson Fireman and Nilton Souza)
– Campina Grande – Secretaria de Cultura, Turismo, Esporte e Lazer do Município de Queimadas (organized by: Arthur Nascimento)
– Queimadas – PaVio (organized by: Arthur Nascimento and Alan Peres)
– Joao Pessoa – PaVio (organized by: Bruno Marinheiro and Danyel Mello)
– Natal – Escola de Música da UFRN Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte (organized by: Eugênio Lima)
– Mossoró – AVM Associação de violonistas de Mossoró (organized by: Alan Morais)
– Fortaleza – Casa de Vovó Dedé (organized by: Eddy Lincoln)
– Teresa – Associação de Amigos da Orquestra de Violões de Teresina (organized by: Ravi Anael)
– Parnaíba – SESC PIAUÍ (organized by: Cristiano Braga)
São Bernardo – UFMA Universidade Federal do Maranhão (organized by: Cristiano Braga)
– São Paulo – Mostra de Cordas Dedilhadeas – (organized by: Rafael Altro)

MEXICO – (travel bag of € 500 + internal trips, subsistence allowances and accommodation)
– GUITARROMANIA Festival (Colima). $ 400 (Organized by: Simone Iannarelli)
Series of concerts (number of concerts to be confirmed, the cache of the concerts subject to the conditions of the organizers)
Concert in the framework of the “series of concerts for Guitarra de Morelos”. € 300 (Organized by: Alan Juárez Balderas)

Recording of a CD. Produced by the composer, guitarist and producer Javier Salvador on the record label Jsm Guitar Records. The recording dates will be agreed upon between the producer and the performer and may take place between October 2024 and July 2025.

Video Recording at Siccas Guitars Studio. The winner will have the chance to create a concert video featuring a program of approximately 30 minutes, utilizing a selection of guitars from the collection at Siccas Guitars

2nd PRIZE €
€ 1.200 in 2 concerts at University Venues
(Vice-Rectorate for University Extension. University of Alicante)
(Diet and accommodation expenses covered by the organization)

€ 600 for 1 concert in Elda (PAURIDES Foundation)
(Diet and accommodation expenses covered by the organization)

– AUDIENCE AWARD. (we will inform you soon)

Special Award “AQUI Medios de comunicación” to the best classified in the Valencian Community (resident)
(of the 3 categories, Young Promise, Youth or Professional)

€1200 in 3 concerts (€400 each concert) + accommodation and meals

Petrer: 28th José Tomás International Guitar Festival, 2025 – €400
Elda: 17 International Guitar Conferences, 2025 – €400
Montanejos: MDM Fest – International Plucked String Festival, 2025 – €400
AQUI Medios de comunicación: Communication and promotion campaign (20 newspapers and 23 digital newspapers)

All the winners will receive a diploma, trophy + Lot of products  Royal Classics Strings – D’Addario – Altamira – Savarez – Alba Guitar Beads and EmbracingGuitar

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